Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Testing... Testing... Is thing on? I'm not getting feedback from the microphone... Hey! Did somebody plug my mic on?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The systematic suppression of political speech

Over the past months there have been many reports of Campaign signs being defaced, threats being made, albeit indirectly, and then we learn of a couple of assaults that have happened over campaign signs. I truly believe that there are those people that would suppress political speech for personal gain.


The reports of campaign signs being defaced and stolen, The Democratic presidential nominee telling his followers to 'get in their face', speaking of people that do not agree or would not vote for him. He would like his followers to aggressively argue his case. In and of itself, this is not bad. I tend to get passionate about my political leanings, my Family and my God. I will try my best to get you to see my point of view and change your mind. If I cannot we will agree to disagree. At least I will. There is a story of a man being assaulted in a restaurant when he cut of a political discussion. The affiliations of those men are irrelevant. That was a violent attempt to silence an individual's political speech. A man was attacked because he disagreed with another’s political view point. A campaign manager's house was shot up; it is suspected, over the campaign signs in his yard in support of McCain/Palin. In the news for about a week, we have heard political Pundits warn us that since Obama has a ‘massive lead' in the polls that there will be 'trouble in major cities if the One is not elected. These are subtle attempts to intimidate people to vote in a certain way, to intimidate you and me into either voting for Obama or staying home. The news reports and poll results are all geared to get you to stay home and not vote. They tried this in o4 when we elected Bush by a narrow margin. They will do the same thing this year. They do not care that they are shooting their credibility to hell. A Socialist state is their goal and I think they may have a chance this year of electing another Jimmy Carter.

Suppression of free speech

As a case in point I would point out the Democrats discussion and apparent desire to reinstate the fairness doctrine. The fairness doctrine would move talk radio back to the era of shows on how to fatten cattle, your favorite carrot cake recipe and farm and market reports that dominated the news cycle. Another example was actually perpetrated a couple of years ago in the McCain Feingold campaign finance reform act. This act restricts the amount of money and who can give what. The SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) has since equated money and political speech and has struck down portions of the law.

Voter Fraud

This is another attempt to suppress political speech but, more than that, it is stealing. There are many allegations against the group ACORN for voter fraud. They have attempted to register Mickey Mouse and Nadda Realperson. They have claimed many times they cannot vet all of the registrations they receive. I see this as a transparent attempt to deflect blame to their employees, employees that the employer is ultimately responsible for. Now we get the word that GOP Election Board members have been tossed out of polling stations in at least half a dozen polling stations in Philadelphia because of their party status. This is a direct violation of a court order but, apparently, the law does not mean much in Philly.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Crazy McCain and his (welfare) Mortgage Deal

Did you watch the debates? What is wrong with John McCain? I’m still voting for him, but he’s out of his freaking mind.

At the last debate McCain brought up this new “plan” he has to solve the mortgage crisis. As if things weren’t bad enough already, it looks like he’s figured out a way to make it even worse.

Proud as a peacock, in response to the first question, he popped out his new plan. On the night he needed to draw blood – or make vacation plans for January 20th – the best John McCain could do was try to out-socialize Barack Obama. And that’s a pretty tall order, but John McCain managed to pull it off.

Here are the details. John McCain said that, if elected, he will have the government buy up all these troubled mortgages. Then he would have them renegotiated, lowering the amount of indebtedness to the current market value of the mortgaged properties. That would lower – probably dramatically – the amount owed and the interest rate paid.

Oh, and it would screw the country, which seems to be a pretty bipartisan objective.

Let’s think through what would happen if Insane Johnny got his way. First of all, American taxpayers would get totally reamed. Just a week after the liars promoting this bailout told us that the government would probably make money on it, by reselling the mortgages after they appreciated in value, my candidate decided to make it so that the government – by which I mean “the taxpayer” – would lose money on each and every mortgage.

Here’s how: If you buy it at a price that reflects the total amount owed, and then you reduce the total amount owed – and consequently the amount paid back – you lose money.

It’s that simple. The government absorbs the difference between what it buys the mortgage for and the price it then reissues the mortgage at – it just writes it off. It is an immediate and certain loss which will not be made up, no matter what happens to the market.

Look, you don’t buy a $10,000 car and then resell it for $8,000 and then expect to be happy about the deal, would you? (For those of you in Arkansas – that’s a $2,000 loss)

That’s Major Flaw No. 1.

Major Flaw No. 2 is that the plan rewards irresponsibility. If you were dumb, crooked or greedy enough to buy more house than you were willing or able to pay for, John McCain would save you by giving you the house at a price lower than what it cost when you moved in.

Say you live in a neighborhood where homes went for $300,000 two years ago when your neighbor, who delivers pizzas for a living, moved in. Surprise, surprise, he’s delinquent on his mortgage. And the economy is in the toilet, and the most you could get for a house in the neighborhood right now, if you had to sell, is $150,000.

Enter Nut Job Johnny.

He would take your bum neighbor, who is defaulting on a loan for $300,000, and save him from foreclosure. Further, he would reissue the loan for the current value of the property -- $150,000.

See where I’m going here? As you know, the mortgage payment on $150,000 is a whole lot less than the mortgage payment on $300,000. And, in the midst of a financial crisis, the interest rate is a whole lot lower.

So your punk neighbor is living in the same neighborhood and size house as you are, only he’s making a far smaller payment with a far smaller debt, all because of John McCain. And the fun part is that you, paying full price on your home, are going to be taxed to pay for your bone-head neighbor who can’t come up with the mortgage payments. In other words, those who make their mortgage payments will be taxed to pay for those who don’t.

And we don’t even want to get into how many of these defaulted-on homes were “bought” by illegal aliens or as part of social engineering programs intending to increase home ownership by the unemployed and welfare dependent. But I digress.

Nut job McCain will not only bail out these failed buyers; he will give them new mortgages at bargain-basement prices. What a deal!

But wait, there’s more.

What happens when the value of homes goes back up? Let’s say in five years, when the economy gets back on its feet, the homes in your neighborhood regain their value, and are selling for $300,000 again, what happens? Well, you – who kept your word and paid your mortgage – will sell yours for $300,000 and walk away even. And your neighbor, who defaulted and got the new mortgage at the bottomed-out price, will also sell for $300,000 and make $150,000 on the deal.

WOW! Thank you again, John McCain.

But wait, there’s still more.

There’s still Major Flaw No. 3.

And that is that anybody with half a brain – and no conscience – watched the debate and decided to stop paying their mortgage. Seriously, the value of your home right now, in most parts of the country, is less than what it was when you bought it – less than what it was when you took out your mortgage. So stop making your payments. Fall behind a little bit. Become a troubled mortgage. In a few months, the government will rescue you. And John McCain will give you a new mortgage, for the depressed value of your home. It’s like saving tens of thousands of dollars at the stroke of a pen. All you and McCain have to do is rip off the taxpayers. Apparently, he’s perfectly willing to do so.

Repeating for emphasis: People who paid their mortgages will labor under higher taxes and government debt. People who didn’t pay their mortgages will get a giant gift from the government. Responsible people will be punished and irresponsible people will be rewarded. The people who contribute to America get hosed and the people who tear down America get to raid the Treasury.

Thank you, John McCain.

As if the bailout con job wasn’t bad enough, Crazy Johnny found a way to make it worse.

But I’m still voting for him.

Here’s why: First of all, I'm a Republican. Other than that, the idiot who wants to give people welfare mortgages is a little bit better than the idiot who thinks health care is a right. One will tax me to give my lazy neighbor a house nicer than mine, and the other will tax me to pay for people who are so lazy they won’t even work to hire a doctor to take care of their families. It’s the lesser of two evils.

Would someone please answer this question: In a country of 300 million people, how in the heck did we end up with these two idiots as our presidential candidates?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thats it i am now a Deamoncrat

THIS VIDEO HAS CHANGED MY MIND!! specially the guy that wants change cause it promotes hope and hope that invites change.... Ya look it

Fannie and Freddie

There is a great piece on 7.62 justice. may show on the side bar. It gives a time line of the creation and regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. here is an excerpt.

1938 - Roosevelt got Fannie Mae through
a Democrat-controlled congress.
1970 - Freddie Mac was created by Democrats
in congress 57-43 Senate and 234-192 House.
1977 - The Community Reinvestment
Act was passed by the democratic congress (61-39 Senate and 292-143 House) and
signed into law by Jimmy Carter. It encouraged banks and mortgage lenders to
loan money for housing to people who would not otherwise qualify (with Freddie
and Fannie backing same by taking the paper).
1995 - President Clinton signed
the executive order mandating lenders expand their lending for mortgages to
sub-prime borrowers (that means people who would not qualify under any criteria
in a sane world). Failure to do so would result in the lending institution not
having access to federal funds or the quasi governmental Fannie and
1999 - Republican Senator Phil Gramm pushed through congress
deregulation laws (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) removing Depression era laws
separating banking, insurance and brokerage activities. The vote in the Senate
was 98-1-1. McCain was the one who did not vote, another Republican was the lone
no vote. Biden and Harry Reid, who are now saying it’s all Bush’s fault, voted
for the bill. Even Obama this week places the blamed on Gramm, but fails to
mention that his running mate voted for it, and Clinton signed it into
2003 - President Bush tried to get congress to amend Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac rules to disallow loans to people who would not qualify under normal
lending institution rules for making loans.