Friday, February 27, 2009

Glen Beck puts the current economic climate in perspective effectively.

This should scare the crap out of you. if it doesn't you should wake the hell up!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Commie Smurfs?

I know, I know. you are telling yourself 'now he has gone off the deep end. i have read a couple of essays today that i would like to share that make the case rather well.

The Smurfs Were Communists! by Dave Morgan Says the following:

Smurfs shared everything. The food in the Smurf village was stored away in those mushrooms the minute it was harvested and then equally distributed to all the Smurfs throughout the year. No one "farmer Smurf" sold his crop to a "consumer Smurf," or saw his labor exploited by another. It was understood that the crop was for the entire Smurf population, not for the sale or profit of one Smurf alone.

That in it's self is compelling even if you do not read the rest of the piece but, consider this:

The most compelling evidence that the Smurfs were communists comes from their relationship to the arch-villian Gargamel. If you remember, the only thing that Gargamel wanted the Smurfs for was for his own profit. In the first four or five seasons, Gargamel's master plan was to catch the Smurfs, boil them, and turn them into gold. For some reason, in the later years when the show was dying, they started saying that he wanted to eat the poor blue creatures, but for the most part he wanted to turn them into gold. He didn't care about the Smurfs themselves, their culture, or their well-being. All he cared about was getting gold. His only interest in how to get rich, and nothing, nothing would get in his way.

Gargamel was a capitalist.

There are other fine points on this page as well for example Kristen M. Sonntag, Esq said in Are the Smurfs Closet Communists?

In the Comunist Manifesto, Marx says, "In this sense the theory of the Communists may be summed up in a simple sentence: Abolition of private property." Well, all Smurf lands and territories belonged to all of the Smurfs, and there was no way in Hell that any single Smurf could even think of getting away with claiming a plot of land for himself or his own personal benefit or profit. Emphasis mine

Read the whole page there are bound to be other aspects of early morning cartoons that are little more than indoctrination of our children. (one reason why i didn't like Captain Planet or Barney and refused to let my Son watch either)We are entrusted with little skulls full of mush and, half the time, we do not know what gets put in thier brain.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Obama and Change

I have watched the events since the coronation of our new messiah with great vindication. You will have to take me at my word that I find no comfort in the fact that i and many of the Conservative pundits were right about this guy. In fact i think we were all wrong. This guy is more liberal than any of us would have ever dreamed. and one of the first things they do is pass a power grab so huge that Joe Stalin would blush. The sad part is we, the American people, are bending over and saying "give it to me! we NEED this enema" It seems we were wrong about the conservatives being the silent majority in this country. Of course toward the end of the 08 campaign, Obama sounded more like Ronaldus Magnus (Ronald Reagan) than the Republican candidate did.

I am disheartened at the level of complacency that we show toward our Government. We seem to have forgotten that WE, the people, elect the government. they work for us not the other way around. They should rely on us. Instead we have politicians saying what we want to hear in order to get elected. There seems to be no integrity in the process anymore. We rely on a national press core that pushes it's own agenda to vet our candidates for national office and, this election cycle, we have allowed them to choose the candidates they wanted to run. I am not sure that we will be able to elect anyone that will have the testicular fortitude to roll back the changes that will be made when the Spending bill gets through Congress.

I hate to sound defeatist. I REALY do but, I believe they will ignore the will of the people that put them there in the arrogant notion that they know what is best for you. Better than you know your self. I really think we could flood the halls of congress with calls, faxes and letters expressing our displeasure at the ‘stimulus’ bill they are trying to enact and it would make no difference what so ever.

That being said, I will not be one that will call for an armed revolt. There are many that think it is the only way to fix the mess. I do not think there is a need for that. For the last 200+ years we have had a peaceful transfer of power. I believe the Democrats will be beaten in 2012. If that happens and the transfer does not happen, we can talk about it. I do know that in 2010 the Republicans will make great strides in regaining the control we have lost over the last few years.

I do hope that we have learned a lesson and will run as what we are. Small Government, Strong National Defense and safe Homeland Conservatives. As far as a remedy, we are doing what we should be. Call Congress, your representatives, email them fax them. inundate the switchboard with messages that they are on the wrong track and we do not need socialized health care! I am just afraid there are not enough of us to make a difference.