Monday, April 20, 2009

We Cannot Forget - We Will Not Forget

Please do yourself a favor and read this paper.

I, myself, have forgotten. Yes, I admit that I have not done near enough to pass on the legacy to my children or that I have not taught what happened 233 years ago. Fortunately, there are those that do who serve to remind me.

Because you can be sure that the State will not tell the story. Our schools water it down. Politicians dismiss it altogether. Society sells it in exchange for social programs and government control - much of which was eradicated by the very people now being dismissed and denied in the political arena.

Ironically, of course, it is the very fight for independence over 200 years ago, which our current administration dismisses, which makes it possible for them to have a voice.

Though the Declaration of Independence may be regarded as a relic and dismissed altogether, and the Constitution may hang by a thread, we cannot forget - we will not forget the price that was paid by those who wrote, signed and gave their lives for these documents.
"And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." - The 56 signers of the Declaration Of Independence

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Liberal Legacy

There is an excellent article on the American Thinker blog today about the bay of pigs in Cuba. This story, I think, shows the depths that a democrat will go to show that they support Communism and oppose Democracy or, maybe that they will just do ANYTHING to consolidate their power and show that THEY are the ones in charge. A lot of heroes were made that day and we, as a nation, stood by and watched them die.

Here is an Excerpt

When the smoke cleared and their ammo had been expended to the very last
bullet, when a hundred of them lay dead and hundreds more wounded, after their
very mortars and machine gun barrel had almost melted from their furious rates
of fire, after three days of relentless battle, barely 1,400 of them -- without
air support (from the U.S. Carriers just offshore) and without a single
supporting shot by naval artillery (from U.S. cruisers and destroyers poised
just offshore) -- had squared off against 41,000 Castro troops, his entire air
force and squadrons of Soviet tanks. The Cuban freedom-fighters inflicted
casualties of 30 to 1against their Soviet-armed and led enemies.

These are dangerous times. We ALL need to be on our guard.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pirates or Terrorists

The items that have been on everyone's mind is the situation off the coast of Somolia and the US Container ship that was taken by Pirates. Well they tried to take the ship and those dang Yankees had the audacity to fight back and actually prevent thier ship from being taken. We have also learned that the captain of the ship offered himself up as a hostage so his ship would not be taken.

First let me say that i an not sure why these ships are not armed to the teeth when they go through this area. We KNOW this is a problem in the area, we know the pirates are there. Why? Seriously, I do not understand. If there is some law that says a merchant ship cannot be armed then it is stupid and needs to be ignored. if more pirates are killed or captured, then that would be a deterrent to recruiting more pirates... right? If the pirates knew that anytime they boarded a ship the crew would be armed and fighting back, they MIGHT think twice about boarding that ship.

well this ended well for the US and bad for the pirates and, in a typical thug mannor of thinking, now they have decided that, because we have defended ourselves, that they will kill americans now. see isn't that just great? it's like when you have the audacity to fight back when you are being mugged or assaulted, the perp may run off or he may try to kill you because you thought that you had the right to protect your self.

The Armed forces of the US is not a police force and we have the right and obligation to defend ourselves and our interests. These ships should be armed against such incusions. if the ship is boarded illegally, the pirates deserve what they get and that should be a short drop and a sudden stop. or a bulltet to a vital region they cannot live with out. these people have preyd on International shipping so long with out opposition, they believe it is thier right.

We need to fix that...