Friday, September 19, 2008


Here is a little test that will help you decide
You're walking down a deserted street with yourwife and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamicterrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner,locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah,raisesthe knife, and charges at you.

You are carrying a Glock Model 23 (40 caliber), andyou arean expert shot. You have mere seconds before hereaches youand your family. What do you do?
Democrat's Answer Well, that's not enough information to answer thequestion!
Does the man look poor! Or oppressed?
Have I ever done anything to him that would inspirehim toattack?
Could we run away?
What does my wife think?
What about the kids?Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knocktheknife out of his hand?
What does the law say about this situation?
Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?
Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he becontentjust to wound me?
If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could myfamilyget away while he was stabbing me?Should I call 9-1-1 ?
Why is this street so deserted?
We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day andmakethis a happier, healthier street that would discouragesuchbehavior.

This is all so confusing!I need to discuss with some friends over a latte andtry tocome to a consensus.
Republican's Answer:BANG==================================

(sounds of reloading)


Daughter: 'Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those theWinchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?'

Son: 'You got him, Pop! Can I shoot the next one?'

The following wes suggested by Pete
Pop: 'Sure son... Run get the shotgun and extra ammo out of the truck'

Wife: 'You are not taking that to the taxidermist!'

I know that glock has a 14 round clip...
I do not advocate killing anyone but... I must be a redneck

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Those Stupid Converter Box Commercials

Americans are dumb, or at least the government thinks we're dumb.

Television is going digital in February, 2009 and if I see one more condescending, insane TV ad, “informing” me about the change over from analog to digital, I'm going to go postal on my big screen. OK, technically I don’t have a “big screen” It’s a 15 yr old 32 inch analog, not HD, TV. But I digress, whatever that means.

How this got to be this important, I don't understand. How we've gone this long, with all these “reminders,” without having an armed revolution, is beyond me.

These are the ads that will show up during a show on TV. All of a sudden your screen flattens a bit and some sort of scrawl will go across the bottom like those emergency broadcast messages.

The first time I saw that, I thought Jesus had come back. But it wasn't Jesus. It was Beelzebub, or his modern incarnation – the federal government.

Due to federal dictate, like the time they told us how many gallons of water could be in a toilet, the government has decided that on February 17, TV will change. Not all TV, just antenna TV. That's the kind your grandparents used to watch when they were sharecroppers. You had a TV and it had some wires and tinfoil sticking out of the top and if you turned them a certain directon, or had your portly cousin Louie touch it with his tongue, you could get snowy pictures, sort of, from a couple of counties over.

Apparently, some people still use antenna TV. My guess is that they're Dave Ramsey fans trying to pay off their debt. In America, the poor people have digital cable. The poor people working under the table, so as not to lose their welfare, have satellite.

The only ones left with an antenna are the ones who are worried about the FBI reading their brain waves. Or the ones who bet their brother they could live for a year watching nothing but Sanford and Son.

Anyway, apparently antenna people are really stupid, because they need to be told 80 or 100 times a day that they have to get a converter box by the middle of February. There is a website, there are television commercials, there are pamphlets, movie stars will remind you, it's on the radio, probably before long, members of Congress will come door to door to make sure people know.

Of all the things to make a public-information priority, how did we get this? Not disease prevention, not avoiding consumer debt, not avoiding e-mails from con men in Nigeria, but TV converter boxes.

It seems to me that people would be motivated to take care of this on their own. If they don't want their TV to go blank, they'll do what's necessary to keep it from happening.

It's as if this whole annoying thing is directed at the dumb and lazy. Make sure your TV keeps working. If not, it'll turn off. This is kind of a no-brainer. And it's kind of an individual responsibility.

Which is why I wonder why I have to pay for it. Not only does the nanny government keep reminding you to get a converter box, the nanny government is willing to pay for it. Each household can get vouchers for $80 to pay for converter boxes.

It's welfare for TV. I wonder, when they outlawed horses because of their carbon footprint, and we had to start using cars, did the government send around vouchers?

What possible responsibility is it of the taxpayer to pay for other people's entertainment? It's bad enough some people lay around the house all day watching Judge Judy, must I be taxed to give them $80 for their converter boxes?

I'm just frustrated by this. It is the biggest non-event since Y2K. And just as disruptive to what I want to watch on TV. Honestly, if I have to see another one of those annoying commercials I'm going to go around the neighborhood and start breaking down antennas.

Except there aren't any.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Are We Winning The War

I know this will be a popular subject today. I probably will not say anything that has not been said before. But i think it is important to realize that where we are today is a result of where we were yesterday.

Has it really been 7 years?

I remember that day. My wife had been in Louisville Ky. for a week at the National Quartet Convention and was due to fly back that day. My son was at his Grandmas because, for some reason, poppa couldn't get him to school and back to work on time. It was early (we lived in Denver at the time) and i was ready for work and turned on the TV for the noise and sat down to check my email. I glanced at the TV and saw the north tower burning. I thought it was weird to have a movie on at this time of day on the major networks. i half listened as i checked my mail until i heard the familiar voice of Peter Jennings on the TV. I looked again and watched flight 175 hit the south tower. I think i was a little slow almost caught up in the mundane things of day to day life enough to ignore the big picture. i realized that this was not a movie but something was going on. i grabbed my phone and tried to call my wife, understandably the phones were overloaded and i could not get through.

I called my boss and let him know that i would not be in till i talked to my wife. He understood and told me not to worry, there were A LOT of people out that day. I tried repeatedly to call my wife, thinking I had to warn her not to get on the plane. Of course all planes were grounded and diverted in order to get out of the sky as soon as possible. News came in about flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, then flight 93 crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. I, along with most of the nation, watched those buildings fall and thousands of people die that day. We all watched as these attacks were celebrated in the Middle East. The realization later that some of the debris falling from the buildings were humans throwing themselves out of windows rather than waiting to be burned or buried alive was horrifying.

I did not talk to my wife till later that evening. I was blubbering like an infant and she chided me for being worried. It was another week and a half before I saw my wife again. She was able to ride with friends that she flew out with. They rented a car and drove back.

That was 7 years ago today. I didn’t loose anyone in those attacks. Nor did I know anyone who did. As the years have passed there have been wars started, other terror attacks, in other countries how ever, there has not been a major attack on American soil since that day. I believe there have been terror attacks here. There have been shootings and attacks against Jewish organizations shootings at Shopping malls by people sporting Islamic names. For some reason, we are led to believe that these are random acts but, that is for another post.

I believe that we had elected the right man for the job of leading this country through this time. I also believe that last 7 years is proof of it. There are those that will tell you that George Bush is a warmonger and started wars because he could but let’s look at s a partial list of Foiled Terror Plots Against America Since 9/11. There are many that say we just got lucky and that may be true. I believe, however that it is not luck but, the military action taken in Afganistan and Iraq, the policies, laws and directives implemented by this administration.

Bush had the political will and courage to do what was best for this country. I do not think The Obamassiah will have that same will.

I do believe we are winning but, the the left in this country has a knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Friday, September 5, 2008

I Wonder If She'll Wear White

Some days you don't know who pulls the strings on whom. Do the Democrats control the media or does the media control the Democrats? Is there any demarcation at all anymore in the march of the left? Some call themselves journalists and some call themselves politicians but they both bleed Democrat blue. And they both hate Republicans.

And Sarah Palin's daughter walked into both barrels of that. Never has a teenager in trouble been held up to more scrutiny or scorn. The party that facilitates out-of-wedlock birth has decided to call the kettle black.

So let's get things straight. There is a right way in life, and a wrong way. We all know what the right way is, but a fair amount of the time we still do things the wrong way. For example, you're not supposed to have sex until you're married. Some people live up to that standard, and some people don't. And sometimes those who don't will get pregnant. Sometimes those people will be young, even teen-agers. At least that's how it was in my hometown.

Sometimes you'd think the bride looked a little plump or the wedding seemed a little rushed or the baby, at 8 or 9 pounds, seemed a little big for just four months gestation. Sometimes it went that way. And nobody had a problem with that. If you screwed up in the first instance, there were additional expectations so that you hopefully didn't screw up in the second instance. The wrong thing is to do what it takes to make a baby. The right thing is to then do what it takes to make a family.

They used to be called shotgun weddings. And I've bought golden-anniversary presents for people who had them. It might not be quite according to Hoyle, but in the real world, it's how it sometimes works out. And though it sometimes comes with a little regret and repentance, it can also come with joy and family. Experience teaches us that it can come, over time, with a lot of joy and family.

Of course, they're bashing the girl's mother because she believes in abstinence education in the schools, and because it's a church-going family, and because she's a Republican. For political points, they choose to see the girl as a referendum on her mother's politics. And that's not fair to either.

Every mom and dad hopes and prays that their children will avoid life's pitfalls and traps. It is a season of worry as children enter middle school and adolescence and progress into their 20s. There is the fear of drugs and alcohol and dangerous driving and squandered educations and inappropriate sex. Life presents so many temptations to damage or destroy a young life. And not every child comes through unscathed.

Home life can help pull a child in one direction or another, for good or for bad, but ultimately we are all free, and so are our children, and people make their own decisions. Even if those people are in our home, under our roof.

There's nothing wrong with having a child when you're 18. Barack Obama's mother was 18 when he was born. My mother was 18 when I was born. But Barack's mother was married and my mother was married, and so might the governor's daughter be.

And regardless of this situation, or one's views on this situation, the larger and more relevant issue is out-of-wedlock births. There is a catastrophic cascading of out-of-wedlock births in this country, a dramatic cultural shift, and it carries with it a crushing social cost. Will the governor's daughter be part of that? We'll have to wait and see.

But all – from the left and right – must be part of an effort to curb out-of-wedlock birth. Nothing – not race or income or where you're born – has a statistically more negative impact on a little baby's life prospects than being born out of wedlock.

It is, tragically, a huge indicator for a long list of very bad things – educational failure, welfare reliance, criminal conduct. Whether you believe in cutting out-of-wedlock birth by handing out more condoms or by teaching more abstinence, there must be agreement that it is bad even if you're the governor's daughter.

The right thing is to keep your pants on. If you don't, and there's a baby involved, the right thing is to get married. That's how it was in my hometown, and apparently that's how it is in Alaska.

And beyond that, it's none of anybody's damn business.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sara Palin


it has been said that McCain's VP Pick unqualified, inexperienced and an unfit mother. There are several things at work here and the left really is exposing itself to the American public. The Feminists are strangely quiet about, not only the dismissal of Hillary Clinton but the history that was made by the McCain campaign.

Think about it, if they were REALY so worried about getting a woman into office and a woman being able to do ANYTHING. Any job a man can do, a woman can do better! That is what they believe at least, that’s what they want you to believe. If that was the case, where are they when this woman is attacked? *listens intently* Yeah, i'm not hearing it. I am listening believe me! I think it would be refreshing if someone on the left actually thought of more than the selfish need for power and the compulsion to do what it needs to do to keep it.

Dems had a historic opportunity not only to nominate a woman as their Presidential nominee and when she was defeated, to place her on the ticket as Vice President. Obama declined to do that and, if you believe everything you read, he didn't even vet or look at her seriously as a running mate.

So then we have a woman VP pick for the Republicans and the same ol same ol. FOR PETE"S sake (sorry Pete) OBAMA chose an old WHITE GUY... i though that with as America's first black nominee he would have chosen a Hispanic running mate if he was not going to choose the woman (Hillary) that ran such a great campaign against him.

Well I am not sure I can make that point any more clear. If you want to look at who is more progressive look at the tickets. If you want to look at who is more tolerant, look at the substance of the attacks and where they are coming from.