Thursday, December 11, 2008

Quality Time

Ya know what I hate? Well hate may be to strong a word. Lets try despise, ya, that works.

Ya know what I despise? I despise when real life gets in the way of either my Blogging time OR Gaming time. Of course i have to work a full time job, I am married and this takes alot of time my job takes 8 hours a day so that is a third of my day. I have to sleep.

I know I know... sounds like excuses, you say, welcome to the club. Ya know its not that i hate real life or my life for that matter. I have a lovely wife that i love more than anything else and a great kid who is in college at the age of 16. Very proud of him.

We at one time had a game night. Once a week we would gather arround the table and play cards, Poker, pitch, Canasta, hold 'em or a board game. we have a game we call marbles, kind of like a Sorry or similar game. You roll dice and move around the board till you get 'home'. Good Times.

Statistics show that Families that spend more 'quality' time together tend to be happier and have better relationships. That make sense, don't ya think? How much conversation do you get sitting arround a TV? Think about it i'll wait...


Well let me tell you. when we are engrossed in a show there is no conversation, as a matter of fact, there is a concious effort to squelch conversation so we do not miss anything happening in the lives of a character in a fantasy world based on events real or imagined.

connect with your Families. Read together, read the same book, not nessasarily the same copy but the same book. Get arround the table and play a game. Talk for God's sake. You may be able to fix something you didn't know was broke.