Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I know, this has been here for a couple of days with no text. Kind of a reminder, a reminder to me that there are people fighting and dying on the other side of the world for what we are giving away hand over fist... Freedom. Not a very popular subject right now I mean how can we focus on ANYTHING but the death of a famous pedophile. Seriously what could be more important than a former star dying of cancer or a comedian dying of natural causes? Yes they were famous, in one case infamous, but they are people that have no impact on the world or its function.

There is a fight on the other side of the world in which people just want their votes to count. They want the freedom to select their own leader. Granted the supreme leader and ruling council have vetted and approved all of the candidates they were voting on but there at least was the illusion that the people were able to pick the man they wanted to lead them. Well that illusion was stripped away when the ruling council decided they were firmly in control enough that they could claim millions of paper ballots were counted in the 2 hours after the polls close. 115% of registered voters were able to cast ballots in that election. ACORN must have been manning the polls and registering voters.

Atrocities are being committed, People are fighting for independence and we are more worried about celebrity death than we are the struggle for freedom. How many of you remember the run up to the 1981 presidential elections? We had a weak president (Jim Carter) that was unable to keep our country safe from foreign aggression and unable to assert enough of a presence and project enough power that hostages were taken in Tehran, Iran and we could not get our people out. Ronaldus Magnus (Ronald Reagan) was elected and the mullahs in Iran decided they should let them all go.

All the blustering and threats came down to the fact that they knew they didn’t have the forces to stand up to the might of the US if we decided we were going to go in and take back what is ours. In Carter, we didn’t have anyone that was willing to exert that pressure. In Reagan we did.

So what do we have here and now? Master Obama, it seems, is just like Clinton on foreign policy in that he tends to put his finger in the air and do what is popular. This, coupled with his domestic policy of, apparently, destroying the private sector, makes this man one of the most dangerous in our history. Now we have a state sponsor of terrorism that is in the process of imploding and we cannot even voice our support for those wanting freedom. If we as a nation, cannot stand up and support the causes that deserve that support… we will fail just on the constipation that will result from the lack of moral fiber in our system.