Friday, April 30, 2010

Where is the outrage of the Native born Minority over Illegal immigration???

Where is the outrage of the Native born Minority over Illegal immigration???
Lets face it! The truth is that the majority of the academic, white collar, high paying, and managerial jobs etc… are still held predominantly by the Caucasian male. While I say that it takes a generation or two to recover economically, educationally, and socially from the severe racism of the past. I am sure there are many arguments that demonize “The man”.
Yes, there are also many a white man holding these positions too. But my point is that still today, a high percentage of the jobs held by the minority worker, are entry level, low skill, and/or labor intensive jobs. With this in mind, the native born, Hispanic and Black workers wages are affected by illegal immigration significantly more than The white worker. A much larger share of minorities as appose to whites, are in direct labor competition with the illegal immigrants. Wouldnt you think that this would be a concern? It is not that Americans won’t do the menial, and labor intensive jobs; it’s that they won’t do them at the wages, and absence of benefits that an undocumented worker will do them. You think we are addicted to cheap oil??? I say we are addicted to cheap labor. I say that the Native born marching in the streets with fists raised, fighting for the Illegal immigrants are being used by the Liberals to further their agenda, and intimidate the average conservative citizen with threats of a racist accusation.
Even the beloved Cesar Chavez recognized that Illegal migrant workers undercut, and undermined the field workers that he so vehemently championed.
Like Cezar, if the Minority leaders were truly concerned for the minority, Illegal Immigration would be top on the list to oppose

What happens if and when the Native born minority figures this out? How then will that liberal minority stand?