Thursday, September 11, 2008

Are We Winning The War

I know this will be a popular subject today. I probably will not say anything that has not been said before. But i think it is important to realize that where we are today is a result of where we were yesterday.

Has it really been 7 years?

I remember that day. My wife had been in Louisville Ky. for a week at the National Quartet Convention and was due to fly back that day. My son was at his Grandmas because, for some reason, poppa couldn't get him to school and back to work on time. It was early (we lived in Denver at the time) and i was ready for work and turned on the TV for the noise and sat down to check my email. I glanced at the TV and saw the north tower burning. I thought it was weird to have a movie on at this time of day on the major networks. i half listened as i checked my mail until i heard the familiar voice of Peter Jennings on the TV. I looked again and watched flight 175 hit the south tower. I think i was a little slow almost caught up in the mundane things of day to day life enough to ignore the big picture. i realized that this was not a movie but something was going on. i grabbed my phone and tried to call my wife, understandably the phones were overloaded and i could not get through.

I called my boss and let him know that i would not be in till i talked to my wife. He understood and told me not to worry, there were A LOT of people out that day. I tried repeatedly to call my wife, thinking I had to warn her not to get on the plane. Of course all planes were grounded and diverted in order to get out of the sky as soon as possible. News came in about flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, then flight 93 crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. I, along with most of the nation, watched those buildings fall and thousands of people die that day. We all watched as these attacks were celebrated in the Middle East. The realization later that some of the debris falling from the buildings were humans throwing themselves out of windows rather than waiting to be burned or buried alive was horrifying.

I did not talk to my wife till later that evening. I was blubbering like an infant and she chided me for being worried. It was another week and a half before I saw my wife again. She was able to ride with friends that she flew out with. They rented a car and drove back.

That was 7 years ago today. I didn’t loose anyone in those attacks. Nor did I know anyone who did. As the years have passed there have been wars started, other terror attacks, in other countries how ever, there has not been a major attack on American soil since that day. I believe there have been terror attacks here. There have been shootings and attacks against Jewish organizations shootings at Shopping malls by people sporting Islamic names. For some reason, we are led to believe that these are random acts but, that is for another post.

I believe that we had elected the right man for the job of leading this country through this time. I also believe that last 7 years is proof of it. There are those that will tell you that George Bush is a warmonger and started wars because he could but let’s look at s a partial list of Foiled Terror Plots Against America Since 9/11. There are many that say we just got lucky and that may be true. I believe, however that it is not luck but, the military action taken in Afganistan and Iraq, the policies, laws and directives implemented by this administration.

Bush had the political will and courage to do what was best for this country. I do not think The Obamassiah will have that same will.

I do believe we are winning but, the the left in this country has a knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory